Sydney songwriter, singer and pianist Jessica has released her (self-recorded and produced) new single ‘And In The Quiet There Is Desire‘, her first new music since her beautiful 2021 album With Reverie. The song comes from a forthcoming album, her third since embarking on a solo career after initially establishing herself as one half of folk noir duo Jep and Dep.

Haunting and ethereal, there’s a consummate grace and meditative quality to the ambient and baroque dream-folk song as it gently unfurls.

Led by slow motion, cascading piano notes and shadowed by synths, ghostly horns, multitracked vocals and a warm wash of billowing reverb, the song details those early hours moments when the city sleeps and the heart and mind are still awake – thinking, dreaming, remembering.

The video slowly transitions through gorgeous colours, like a synaptic sleep cycle, a kind of visually rendered synesthesia. Just stunning.

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